VITALIS acknowledges that all information and documentation provided to the company and any information that may result from an account management is exclusive property of the owner. VITALIS agrees not to disclose in any way, much less use it in another context than the established and agreed services, without express writing authorization of the legal representative on "THE CLIENT" or in its own right, the foregoing includes but not limited to data, amounts contributed and generated, projects, conditions, and in general any information derived from the performed transactions and operations.
VITALIS acknowledges that all information and documentation provided to the company and any information that may result from an account management is exclusive property of the owner. VITALIS agrees not to disclose in any way, much less use it in another context than the established and agreed services, without express writing authorization of the legal representative on "THE CLIENT" or in its own right, the foregoing includes but not limited to data, amounts contributed and generated, projects, conditions, and in general any information derived from the performed transactions and operations.