Experts in active investment of pension plans and individual long-term saving funds.
Disciplined to the core in our decision making process, methodologies, and corporate governance.
Short term follow-up to long term strategies.
Our interests are aligned to the necessities of our clients.
We account for a multidisciplinary committee made up of independent professionals.
We elaborate an optimum portfolio design in regards to profit-risk, keeping in mind each client’s maturity as well as their risk aversion.
We are the first independent Mexican advisor authorized to manage funds in Luxembourg.
Our performance stands on the highest ranks of three and five year private pension funds registered in CONSAR.
Our returns stand out from most AFORES (Retirement Funds Administrators).
Experts in active investment of pension plans and individual long-term saving funds.
Disciplined to the core in our decision making process, methodologies, and corporate governance.
Short term follow-up to long term strategies.
Our interests are aligned to the necessities of our clients.
We account for a multidisciplinary committee made up of independent professionals.
We elaborate an optimum portfolio design in regards to profit-risk, keeping in mind each client’s maturity as well as their risk aversion.
We are the first independent Mexican advisor authorized to manage funds in Luxembourg.
Our performance stands on the highest ranks of three and five year private pension funds registered in CONSAR.
Our returns stand out from most AFORES (Retirement Funds Administrators).